Thursday, February 14, 2019

February 13-24, 2019 Georgetown

February 13, 2019 - Georgetown

Left Cave Cay around 8am along with s/v Orkan and Alizarin and went thru the  Gaillot cut. Went by Musha Cay, a private island owned by the illusionist David Copperfield that is available for rent for around $40k per day with a 4-night minimum.  Apparently, you can check it out on  The wind was on the nose the whole time so it was a bit bumpy.

Mahi Mahi for dinner tonight
While motor sailing, Steve caught a big Mahi Mahi. He was so excited! He filet it and prepared it for dinner tonight.

She is a beauty

As we arrived in Georgetown to anchor, we found out our windlass didn't work. Not good.  Steve had to put the anchor down by hand.  Thank goodness, Rick on Orkan, came to help Steve figure it out. They figured that a wire might of got loose while going up and down with the waves.  He rewired it so we could get it going. 
FYI...Steve later found out that the key was not in the ignition correctly and that is why the windlass did not work.  Glad it wasn't a wire defect.
At 6:30, Rick, Sharon, Brad and Julia came over for a feast of fresh Mahi.  It was a lovely evening except for mosquitos.  Good thing we had our bug killer candles. Just as they were leaving close to 11pm, it started raining. It really poured during the night.

February 14, 2019
Made Steve pancakes for Valentine Day and tried dropping chocolate chips in a heart shape but wasn't very successful.  He still enjoyed them.

Supply boat
8:30am-  Good thing our windlass is working since we were asked to move.  Some guy on another boat was calling us to tell us  we were too close to his boat for his comfort.  He was actually being a jerk since he approached others also.  Looks like he wanted his own island.  Got to laugh!  The anchorage is so busy that we had a hard time finding a place but we managed to find one.
We went into town to get fuel for the dinghy and they were completely out of fuel at one place but we managed to fill up at another.  The dinghy dock was so full.  It was a zoo!

Dinghy dock
 The grocery store was well stocked since the supply boat just came in.  I finally got some yogurt since I was never successful in making my own.

After unloading everything, we relaxed and did basically nothing all afternoon.  I think we were both tired from the weather and chaos around us. 
Since the water was so calm, we went for a dinghy ride around 4:00pm.  The water was so clear that we could see fish near an underwater cave.  We even saw a shark go by but I didn't manage to capture a photo of it. 

We could see fish looking down from our dinghy

Underwater cave
 It was such a gorgeous night.  After dinner we watch a movie.  We could see lightning in the distance around 9pm.

Beautiful color reflecting on the water. 

February 15, 2019

Another gorgeous morning after rain last night.  We had our usual morning coffee and while I made breakfast, Steve took the dinghy across the bay to get water.  He figured he might as well go early before everyone is there.  After breakfast, I went kayaking and saw a star fish and stingray.  So beautiful.

Trying new hammock

Placing money in window for garbage drop off

Later we went in town to drop off our garbage and bought fresh produce from local farmers.  They are usually there selling their produce every Friday and Saturday depending on the weather. We also bought a new hammock.

Back at the boat, I did some painting while Steve read.  Needing much exercise, we went to discover the beach area.  You can actually walk a trail that brings you directly to the ocean.  Steve decided to go swimming since it was so hot while I picked shells.

Many people at the variety show 
At 3:00pm, we attended a variety show which was quite good.  We had hamburger and French fries along with beer.

Lovely night
Somewhere over the Rainbow

Came back to the boat before 5;30pm and watched the sunset on the bow of the boat.  It was so peaceful.  While watching a movie and we nibbled on salsa and chips since we had such an early dinner.

February 16, 2019
Went kayaking late morning.  It was so peaceful.

Always seeing starfishes

Peacefully kayaking

Hawk staring at us
 Steve and I took a dinghy ride and saw from a distance, a coconut race event however we went to see Croft where Dr Jim stayed last year.  We had to stop  by to say hello.
Croft and Steve

Steve found a new first mate
We then went swimming after lunch on an almost secluded beach and picked up many shells.  On the way, Steve found a new mate.  There were unknown trails that we followed afterwards with a lot of vegetation. 

We had no idea where this path would lead us
Found our way back to the boat.

Karl and Pat
Late in the afternoon, we made water since you need to run the water maker periodically.  We were invited to Brad and Julia 's for a get together with Rick, Sharon and a few of their friends Karl and Pat from Ishmaepa living on a Trimaran.
Steve and I watch the sunset on the bow of our boat.  Watched a movie before heading to bed.
February 17, 2019
 Gorgeous morning for a kayak.  Found out thru Cruiser's net that there are at least 200 boats anchored in the bay here in Georgetown.
After Steve went to get about 10 gallons of water, we went exploring and looking for places to snorkel.  At Elizabeth Harbour about 2 miles from our boat, we found a place where there are moorings for snorkelers. The Elizabeth Harbour Conservation Partnership is installed mooring at the most popular snorkeling location in the eastern end. They place the moorings to protect the reefs rather than have dinghies anchored all over. The Elizabeth Harbour Mooring Buoy Project is being funded thru a grant form the Global Environment Facility Small Grants.
Steve went on one of the areas to snorkel while I watched him.
Came back to the boat for lunch and then went to our favorite isolated beach and did some shelling.  We saw Sharon and Rick on one part of the beach enjoying the sun.
Steve and I enjoyed swimming in the hot weather. 
Showered and relaxed when we came back to the boat with a pocket full of shells.  I collected mostly mushrooms and limpid shells on this beach. 
I seranated Steve with the guitar while he slept. 
Having steak tonight.  What a treat!
We watched another gorgeous sunset.  The moon isn't quite full yet however so bright!  We watched a movie under the moon light.
Can't get enough of the sunsets

Almost full moon

February 18, 2019

Another gorgeous morning.  It was announced this morning on the cruiser's net that there are approximately 285 boats anchors all along the beaches in Georgetown.  Looks like everyone is moving on.  Rick, Sharon, Julia and Brad all went to Emerald marina to pick up family which will be arriving  in the next couple of days. After Steve went to get propane for one of our empty tanks, we decided to move from the Monument beach to the Sand Dollar beach which is approximately 2 miles from where we are now.  We wanted a change of seen, new beaches and closer to the snorkeling reefs.  The propane only cost $11.  What a deal!
Interesting finding on the beach

Found a live sand dollar
We decided to explore the beach and walk on a trail to the ocean.  Very interesting since there was a rope tied to a tree to help you up the rocky hill and then all along the trail, there were painted sticks, coconuts, plastic jugs and buoys to guide you to the ocean. 
On that particular part of the ocean, it was rocky however very scenic.  There was no where to go swimming.  Came back to the boat and Steve went swimming to check under our boat.  He said it was still nice and clean.  Funny because there was one black little fish around him. 
Good thing it was breezy since it was hot. 
Had a great pasta meal while watching another gorgeous sunset.  We then relaxed on the bow of the boat since the moon was so clear and it lit up everything.  Full moon tomorrow night.

Gorgeous sunset

Bright moon

February 19, 2019
 It rained all morning and the wind was blowing 15 mph and gusting to 20.
After breakfast, Steve took the dinghy in town  to get water and diesel and came back all wet while I cleaned inside the boat. 
While he read, I painted until the sun came out.  Funny how one minute it pours and then the sun comes out.
Where do we go?
We dinghied to Chat & Chill Pub and we shared a conch salad and had a drink.  Crazy how 1 Kalik beer and 1 margarita cost $19.  The conch salad cost $10 but that is average in the Bahamas.  It was also good.
Kids swinging from a rope hanging from a tree
People were playing volleyball, swimming or swinging on the rope.  Lots of activities.
Adults playing volleyball

Look closely at this T-Shirt

We noticed the T-shirt which said Steve
People can hang up an old T-shirt in the pub and we particularly noticed the one which had Steve on it.  Hmmm....interesting...(Photoshop comes in handy)

Moon shining down on GaYa
 When we returned to the boat, Steve made water. He wants to have both water tanks filled up before we continue our journey. After dinner, we sat on the deck of the boat hoping to see the full moon. Because it was so cloudy, we couldn't see the sunset.. It was hard getting a clear picture of the moon rising since we were moving so much due to wind.  Glad the moon peeped thru the clouds. 
Moon just rising

We watched a movie before bedtime. 

February 20, 2019 Windy

 After breakfast, we had the great idea to go do our laundry.  Not sure if that was smart.  The waves were so high but it was manageable going into town.  While we were at the laundry mat, we talked with Tim and Michele on Wayward Son.
Afterwards, we went to pick up a few groceries.  Good thing we brought our waterproof sealed bag because on the way back, the wind picked up and the waves were crazy.  When you go in and out of town, you need to go under a bridge which has enough room for one boat to pass.  The ebbing tide against the wind made 3 feet waves right outside the tunnel soaking you instantly. We had a 1.5 mile to cross and by the time we got to boat, we were both soaked.  It felt good to take a hot shower to remove the salt. I had to hand wash the salted wet clothing.
Steve made water after lunch while I painted.  The waters calmed a bit but we decided to stay on the boat rather than go on the beach.
Finished off the Mahi which we put in the freezer after Steve caught it.  That one fish fed 8 people. It was so good.
We didn't see the sunset because of the clouds but the moon was sure bright.  We started watching Narcos series but was only able to download S1 E1.  For some reason it took forever to download today.

January 21, 2019 - Almost a tragedy
Looks like we won't be going anywhere for awhile since the winds are still blowing hard and it may last a couple more days.  That is OK since we are in no hurry.

Steve tidying up the electronics
Gorgeous beach
Steve worked on checking all his electrical panels and to insure everything is in its place while I worked on a few needed projects around the boat.
  After lunch, we went for a long walk along a trail along the beach.  It was so beautiful.  We sure got our exercise today.  We had leftovers for dinner and enjoyed watching the sunset.

Boat dragging his anchor towards us
Around 9pm, while we were watching a movie in the cockpit, a high gust of wind suddenly started.  All of a sudden, I noticed a boat right beside our port side with lights on.  Steve yelled over the loud wind to the owner of Rhiannon (name on the boat) that his anchor is dragging.  They started their engine and lost control.  Between the waves, the wind and them having a hard time bringing up their anchor, Lisa (the wife....I could hear the husband yelling at her) was trying to keep it away from our boat but was having a hard time steering.  We all kept yelling to her, to give it power in order not to hit us.  Thank goodness Steve was at the bow of our boat holding and preventing their stern from hitting our boat. It took everything for him to hold the boat away from ours.  Finally, they initiated more power and moved away from us.  My heart sure was pumping fast.  It only goes to show how quickly things can happen.  It is even worse when it is totally dark and you loose perspective and sight.  SCARY!  Don't know if I will sleep tonight.

 February 22, 2019
We listened to the Cruiser's Net and today is Big Boat Regatta day.  Anyone interested can participate and register.  Of course, we did not participate.
After breakfast and on our way to town, we dinghy over to Rhiannon to make sure they were ok.   Lisa and Benny from NH were shaken up from the ordeal.  We found out that Lisa couldn't give power at the time because the line on her kayak twisted around the prop and it wasn't until the line cutter cut it that she had power.  Then she said the line was tangled on the anchor while trying to bring it up.  So much could have gone wrong but it was all fine.  Needless to say, they did not get much sleep last night.
We picked up batteries for our flashlights, got fuel and a few groceries before heading back to the boat.  It wasn't as rough as a couple of days ago when we got totally soaked.Around 11am, Steve made water while I caught up on my emails and updated our expenses on a prepared document which I created on an excel spreadsheet.

Another gorgeous sunset
Enjoyed my hamburger

After lunch, we went on Sand Dollar beach on the hill to see if we could see some sailboats who were participating in the Regatta.. There were a few of them but most of them past by then.
Came back to the boat and sat on the windy bow while having our Friday glass of wine and watching the sunset.  Good thing it is warm.  Steve made hamburgers for dinner.
Listen to music and watched a movie before going to bed.

February 23, 2019

Some boats collided
On your mark, get set ...go!
After breakfast, we decided to go see kids racing their boats.  There are many kids who live on their boat and get home schooled by their parents.  We heard on the Cruiser's Net this morning that kids had to create their own boat made of anything they find on the island and they were going to race them at 9am.  So we thought it would be interesting to go see.  

Kids racing their homemade boats

Painting session on the beach
 After the race, we watched a woman give lessons on how to palette paint.  Of course, I managed to get some tips.

Honey anyone?
Local market
We then decided to go to the market since it is only opened on Friday and Saturday.  The worse part about being in Georgetown is when it is windy and rough you get totally wet crossing the channel.  Time to trade in our dinghy for a bigger one.

 Besides tomatoes and bananas, we bought their local honeycomb.
 After taking a well needed shower since we were drenched with salt water, Steve made more water and then polished the chrome on the boat while I painted and cleaned up inside the boat.
We got a surprise call from my sister and brother in law.  It is nice to hear from friends and family thru email but a phone call is very special knowing the expense.
Had a great pork chop dinner while listening to music and watching the sunset.  Watch a movie before going to bed.
It is amazing how many lights are showing from all the boats' masts.  It looks like a lit up city but it is only the mooring lights from all the sailboats.  Quite the view.
Will the wind ever stop?

February 24, 2019
French toast for breakfast with coconut bread.  We watched the Regatta in Harbour boat races this morning and our boat was anchored by the first marker on Sand Dollar beach.  I managed to get photos of each boat crossing the mark.

A few boat crossing the first marker

At 1:00pm Steve decided to take the dinghy across and get diesel in two tanks, fuel for the dinghy and fill up a water jug since we might be heading out tomorrow if weather permits.  We later explore more of the island and found another path to a gorgeous beach.

Getting a beer
 Seeing that it was so hot after our walk, we dinghy to Chat and Chill for a beer and watched  beach volleyball.

Another gorgeous sunset.  We raised the dinghy and secured it in back of GaYa in preparation for tomorrow's early departure.  Started watching a series " Designated Survivor" before going to bed. 
Just as I was finishing up writing my blog around 10:30pm, I heard a huge bang on the stern of the boat.  The cable holding the dinghy rotted and broke off.    The bow of the dinghy was hanging down in the water while the stern was still intact.  Steve repaired it with a strong line.  Good thing this did not happen while we were motoring.  You just never know.


April 15, 2019 The End of 2019 Bahama Adventure

April 15, 2019 It is the end of me writing this year's blog since we have returned to Fort Pierce and are getting our boat ready to pu...